Public Dream Dreams

Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Taliban, Russia, Haiti gangs, North Korea, really a lot of places, even some doing relatively well - could make themselves an open role model.

Announce to the world they want to make the best of education. Have every person blog about their life ups and downs, conflicts, divorces, the whole 9 yards... Ubuntu philosophy to visiting teachers and guests and eliminate all out-group hate.

Civilization reborn. Truman Show for an entire nation / nations.


It's like an alcoholic. Admitting humanity has a problem. A world without wars and hate.

Alcohol is fun, alcohol is used to celebrate... but then you come to terms with the long-term damage, that being an alcoholic isn't really that fun.

The gridlock of #OutGroupsHate that humanity had prior to sophisticated ships, airports, rockets doesn't work any more. It isn't enjoyable watching your brothers, sisters, children die from alcoholism. Out-group hate patterns.