Information Load & Organization
Very incomplete, trying to order some thoughts
The way humanity organizes information and the load we carry. I don't like it, I understand why we do it this way historically, but the outcome is bad.
Communism vs. Capitalism
The deep theor of Capitalism is that greed is a funamental motivation of humanity. That accumulation of wealth and the power that comes along with it is essential as an incentive for people to lead and be respected as leaders.
King and Queens ruldd by bloodlines, combat, and impressive castles / fortifications. Structural intimidation. Perhaps you could argue goverment buildings today, regardless of the type of economic system, have some common similar traits.
"War does not determine who is right only who is left" - Bertrand Russell
Not ford competititon to eliminate. Richard Feynman's comments about science not showing misttakes and dead-ends. We toss away too much in our organization.
Politics in USA from 2014 to 2024 has shown me a sickness in competitive. Deception, information distortion. Russia is mastery of it.
I think we stress each other out. Mutual Assured Destruction and the advent of color television and film around the same time in humanity. Terrorism too.
We rely on humanity to make the cars and airplanes we travel in, we eat food prepared by strangers, yet it is straners who want to poison us in mass, nuclear bomb us, etc. A constant state of insecurity. We don't face Mass Psychosis reality as a threat we must all be educated on to recognize and avoid like not eating a poison plant, instead our attitude is that we just have to deal with it and call it chaos.
The young adults emerging into global society who have soaked in Russian propaganda to worship symbolheads like Trump + Putin since 2013, what all media systems of the world have found to sell... paints a very dark future. #MonoMythWarfare has created a "god" of actualized greed
We already know how many elderly + middle-aged have lost their #HeartsAndMinds in the past 11 years of #SurkovSiege to worship Putin + Trump symbolism. The impact a 10 year old born in 2013 having soaked in the second-hand smoke of Fox News that normalized Putin's #MonoMyth meme patterns via parents
Internet, airport networks, containerized shipping, supply chains. We rely on people from all over the world in daily life now. The weather and pollution from human activities impacts people far away.
A hate-centered worship system of hate #OutGroups in this situation is global self-destructive.
MonoMythRealities - MonoMyth realities
Climate change denial, not admitting to it, now still encourage no care:
Classic Religions were a small Population, the single hero had the ability to walk outside. They were competing with art of oral tradition, structures. Now we are competing with art of generative AI, edited CGI.
Campbell: Ortega y Gasset talks about the environment and the hero in his Meditations on Don Quixote. Don Quixote was the last hero of the Middle Ages. He rode out to encounter giants, but instead of giants, his environment produced windmills. Ortega points out that this story takes place about the time that a mechanistic interpretation of the world came in, so that the environment was no longer spiritually responsive to the hero. The hero is today running up against a hard world that is in no way responsive to his spiritual need.
A decade of nonstop Russian information warfare against the US has made the Republicans, well, weird -- so weird as to appear virtually foreign to mainstream Americans.
Apathy for an Apathy, Distancing for a Distancing, makes the whole world start doing prayer for "Giant Meteor" on social media messages.
Humanity in 2024 period of history has broken the classic god monomyth media patterns, but forgotten humans originated compassion education.
If we all don't make teaching authentic compassion part of our daily life, then we are entirely missing how prayer used to work for people in Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hindu, Jewish, and many more systems. There is no supernatura, it is human beings. And if you want a better, stronger, more good, deeper compassion for the world - we better start authoring super-compassion, teaching super-compassion, and expanding compassion! If all the old faith systems are "not good enough", then it is our task to put an end to war, terrorism, hate by coming up with something great to teach that people actually freely choose as better. Like we have done with hospital systems that didn't exist in the year 1750! Like humanity has done with telephone networks that didn't exist in the year 1750! We, all of us, can expand compassion and author the educaiton of same!
Trump on languages
Fimnegans Wake tower of Babel, languages
"Fake News" never following up to confront that they are wrong